On July 1, 2022, new rules came into effect for all CQC-registered health and care providers regarding appropriate ways to interact with people with learning disabilities. The new rules are part of the Health and Care Act of 2022 and they apply to any health and care provider that interacts with the learning disabled, regardless of the type of service they offer. This has set off something of a scramble among health and care providers who need to quickly track down quality learning disability resources and learning disabilities information.


What it Means

The Health and Care Act of 2022 includes an important update to the Health and Social Care Act of 2008. Specifically, Regulation 18 of the older act which provided statutory guidance related to the care of the learning disabled. The new regulations are crystal clear and state that CQC-registered health and care providers must ensure all staff undergo training to learn the appropriate way to interact with the learning disabled, as well as those with autism. The learning disabilities awareness training must be appropriate to their level of contact with these individuals.

Health and care providers must also up their supervisory game in order to ensure their staff members are putting their new training into practice and that they are interacting with and supporting the learning disabled in the best way possible. It is likely that a new Code of Practice will be published in the months ahead, but for now, health and care providers must find and take advantage of learning disabilities resources offered by competent sources.

In all probability, the CQC will be paying close attention to compliance with these new, more stringent regulations during inspections. They are likely to ask for evidence that staff members have received the required training and that senior staff have instituted adequate monitoring protocols to ensure compliance. They are also likely to ask for proof that staff training is being continually refreshed in order to keep up with the latest developments in the care of the learning disabled.

Learning Disabilities Online Training Course from Careskills Academy

Careskills Academy have a well-earned reputation for providing outstanding training and resources to members of the health and care community. We take pride in the quality of our courses and their ability to transmit relevant information in an easily understood manner.

Our learning disabilities online training course consists of 3 modules.

  • Module 1 starts by defining “learning disability”, investigating its causes and describing learning disabilities symptoms.
  • Module 2 goes into greater depth on the historical aspects of learning disabilities and how prior shortcomings in learning disabilities information created a muddled environment for health and care providers.
  • Module 3 focuses on current best practices for health and social care workers and how to implement them.

For more information, call Careskills Academy on 020 3397 9734, or email info@careskillsacademy.co.uk.

Learning Disabilities Training

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Care Certificate Induction:
Learning Disability
