The new legal requirement is introduced by the Health and Care Act 2022, which will come into effect on 1 July. All health or social care providers registered with CQC must ensure that their staff receive training appropriate for different roles they may have in providing services to individuals with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

As CQC stated in their latest publication about the upcoming change: “The government is required to consult on and publish a Code of Practice. We understand that this will outline the content, delivery and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training, which is training they have developed and trialled. The government anticipates that the publication of the Code of Practice may take at least 12 months.”

“CQC will provide statutory guidance while the Code of Practice is being developed. During our assessments and inspections of providers, we regularly look to see if staff are working with people appropriately, and if not, we consider what training and support has been provided to staff to ensure their understanding. Following the introduction of this requirement, we will be looking to see whether providers have provided learning disability and autism training, and have assessed the competencies of their staff following the training”

At Careskills Academy, we know how important it is to have your staff trained in relevant areas – that is why we have been helping care providers overcome staff compliance challenges since 2014.

We have relevant online courses available in our portfolio so make sure your staff are fully compliant from the 1st July.

Learning Disabilities Training

Learning Disabilities logo - Careskills Academy

Autism Awareness Training

Autistic Spectrum Conditions - Careskills Academy

We also have short inductions to introduce staff to these subjects, before they complete their full training.

Start getting your staff prepared for the change now with our online courses.

Care Certificate Induction:
Learning Disability


Care Certificate Induction:

Autistic Spectrum