Last week, Skills for Care published news of an event that they are holding on how to use data to effectively recruit and retain staff.

Recruitment and staff retention is an ongoing problem shared by providers throughout the health and social care sector, but Careskills can help you with this.

Skills for Care will cover the recruitment of staff with the right values and attitudes at their event and whilst this may come naturally to some, it is the right training that instils this into staff, supporting you to have the highest quality of compliance in your service, and most importantly confidence and satisfaction from the individuals that you support.

Careskills Academy provides you with a Learning Management System (LMS) that enables you to collect important training data and plan the future development of your team. It will also help you to log information into your Workforce Data Set (previously known as NMDS-SC).


Is your training part of your recruitment strategy?

Do new recruits know how good their training is?

Careskills online training is thorough, compliant and time effective in getting new staff trained and into work. Your recruitment process is quicker because online training is timelier than face to face training. It allows you to start training your staff while you are waiting for their references and DBS checks to come through. Completing online training early on in the recruitment process, before any face to face training, will also show a sign of commitment to the job from the new staff member.

Let your new recruits know that they can access over 60 courses as they progress through their career in care and that you will continually invest in their learning and development, and you can be confident that the training will promote the right values and attitudes that are needed for your service.


Do your existing staff know that they could have access to over 60 courses?

Surveys completed with Care Workers have shown that the main thing they want from their job is ‘Appreciation’ and part of that is opening their minds to the learning opportunities that are available to them. Many Care Workers don’t want a promotion, they just want to be the best Care Worker but have their employer value them and have the right attitude towards them, whilst investing in their future. Allowing them to learn and develop their knowledge online, without compromising their working time is a key motivator in appreciating your staff. You will consistently upskill them and maintain their working standards because the right values and attitudes are expressed through all Careskills courses.

The Skills for Care event is being held in November, but you can start right now by using your training data wisely and become the employer of choice because you invest in your staff by nurturing their skills, knowledge, confidence, and compliance.