On July 1, 2022, the Health and Care Act of 2022 came into effect making it mandatory that all CQC-registered health or social care providers ensure each member of their staff receive appropriate training before being allowed to work with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). If you are in search of autism awareness resources for your staff, look no further than the Careskills Academy.


About Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of developmental disorders that are estimated to affect approximately 6% of children. ASD is far more common among boys than it is among girls. ASD is neurologically based and characterised by varying degrees of impaired communication, behavioural and social dysfunction and repetitive behaviours. A person diagnosed with ASD may have autism, pervasive development disorder (PDD) or Asperger Syndrome. The manifestation of symptoms will often vary considerably from case to case.

The Importance of Quality Autism Awareness Information

Historically one of the main impediments to the effective diagnosis and treatment of ASD has been a lack of awareness on behalf of the public as well as, unfortunately, those involved in health & social care. One of the goals of the Health and Care Act is to compel health & social care workers to find and take advantage of autism awareness resources and quality autism awareness information.

Identifying ASD symptoms early in life is the key to effective intervention. Here are some of the signs related to social interaction in the very young that may indicate the presence of ASD.

  • They avoid eye contact
  • They maintain a stoic face
  • They do not respond to their name
  • They are averse to simple childhood games
  • As they grow they do not indicate likes and dislikes
  • They do not engage in make-believe activities
  • They prefer to be alone

If a child manifests any of the following repetitive behaviours it may also indicate the presence of ASD.

  • They say the same thing over and over (echolalia)
  • They organise things carefully
  • They seem to obsess over specific items
  • Change upsets them
  • They adopt fairly strict routines at an early age
  • Their reaction to sensory input is unusual.

A person with ASD may also manifest one or more of the following:

  • Delayed language skills
  • Delayed learning skills
  • Unusual sleeping and eating habits
  • Exaggerated emotional reactions, moodiness
  • Excessive worrying
  • Hyperactivity or anxiety
  • Seizure disorder or epilepsy

Autism Awareness Online Training Course

In order for your staff members to meet the specific awareness requirements laid out by the Health and Care Act, comprehensive training will be required. To that end, Careskills Academy offer this eLearning course as a way to bring your staff members up to speed on ASD awareness, so that they may more effectively fulfil their roles as health and social care workers.

The course begins with ASD awareness basics, progresses into recognising ASD traits, and ends with a comprehensive overview of the responsibilities that health and social care workers have to people with this disability.

For additional autism awareness information call Careskills Academy on 020 3397 9734, or email info@careskillsacademy.co.uk.

Autism Awareness Training

Autistic Spectrum Conditions - Careskills Academy

Care Certificate Induction:

Autistic Spectrum