In September 2020, the ‘Every Mind Matters’ campaign was launched nationally to support children, young people, parents and carers in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
This highlights and recognises the struggles that people may have had with their mental wellbeing during such a difficult time.
New Course Release
With that in mind Careskills are happy to announce the release of our new course ’Wellbeing in the Workplace’.
It is important to recognise that throughout the pandemic health and social care staff have continued to work tirelessly in supporting vulnerable individuals, often carrying on without giving time to their own stresses and feelings.
Wellbeing in the Workplace is a short course for health and social care staff that tackles the sensitive subject of stress in the workplace. It takes a positive look at how staff can recognise and deal with work-related stress, focussing on talking about their concerns and issues so that raising the matter is seen as a strength in wanting to do their job well.
An introduction to this subject is also found in the Careskills Health and Safety course as it is a requirement that employers address this in their workplace, to ensure that staff are confident that they are able to do their job to the best of their ability without the pressures of feeling stressed and unhappy at work.
The training helps learners to take control of their feelings and talk to their employer about anything happening in the workplace that may make them or their colleagues feel like they are unable to cope with things at work.
Health and Safety Update
Alongside this course we are please to announce the release of our newly revised Health and Safety course.
Health and Safety training is a legal requirement for all employers, and it is important that staff and individuals needing care and support are protected, and remain safe, in the workplace.
This course covers the cores subjects for Health and Safety practice in the health and social care sector, which includes the safety aspects in mandatory areas of work, however, this course does not replace the mandatory training courses that every health and social care worker is required to complete.
Training Outcomes
On completion of the new Wellbeing in the Workplace course, learners should be able to:
- Explain what work-related stress is and how it relates to health and safety law
- Know the importance of speaking up if there is a risk of work-related stress
- Be able to take control of stressful situations by speaking up and planning with your employer
- Know how to report concerns and manage work time effectively to reduce work-related stress
On completion of the newly revised Health and Safety course, learners should be able to:
- Understand their responsibilities and the responsibilities of others relating to Health and Safety
- Carry out their responsibilities in relation to Health and Safety risk assessment
- Understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illnesses
- Reduce the spread of infection
- Know the principles of moving and handling equipment and objects safely
- Know how to handle hazardous substances and materials
- Understand the importance of fire safety procedures
- Know the First Aid procedures relevant to their role
- Implement security measures in the work setting
- Protect and manage their wellbeing in the workplace