Medication Train The Trainer

Online Course – Train Your Own Team

Medication Train the Trainer course provides you with the skills, knowledge and resources to deliver Medication Administration courses in your place of work. Perfect for care homes, domiciliary care and anyone working in health and social care.

  • Make your training cost and time effective
  • Gain an Accredited Level 2 Qualification
  • An easier way for you to stay CQC compliant and deliver training in house
  • Most comprehensive blended learning solution on the market!

As a recognised Assessment Centre, Careskills Academy intend to provide this qualification, to ensure that you have competent and compliant staff right from the start.

Medication Train The Trainer – Online Course

Medication Train the Trainer course provides you with the skills, knowledge and resources to deliver Medication Administration courses in your place of work. Perfect for care homes, domiciliary care and anyone working in health and social care.

  • Make your training cost and time effective
  • Gain an Accredited Level 2 Qualification
  • An easier way for you to stay CQC compliant and deliver training in house
  • Most comprehensive blended learning solution on the market!

As a recognised Assessment Centre, Careskills Academy intend to provide this qualification, to ensure that you have competent and compliant staff right from the start.