Deal that cannot be beaten. Unlimited eLearning and Pay As You Go Deals with a special 25% discount!
Our best-ever training package created for the care industry – Unlimited eLearning.
- Unlimited Access to 95+ Skills for Care Centre of Excellence online care courses, including our Skills for Care Endorsed online Care Certificate.
- Learning Management System with a training matrix that automatically tracks staff progress, making compliance a breeze.
Our Pay As You Go model may suit you if you have a business with low-volume training needs, or if you simply prefer the flexibility of Pay As You Go.
- You buy credits from us. These never expire, so you can keep them for as long as you like.
- You simply exchange a credit for a course enrolment whenever you need training – one credit enrols one learner onto one course.
Move quickly and secure your 25% discount today! Offer ends on 29th December.
Limited Time Deal

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our 5000+ customers have rated us 5 stars!